
For six days, nothing but open sea.

I didn't see another ship.

Or a dot of land.

Just the appearance of a single white bird. I asked:

                Where do you land to rest?

                Where did you come from?

                Where are you going all by yourself?

The small white cruise ship Sirena,

   became home and protector

   from Barcelona to Miami.

Across an ocean whose surface remained constant,

   as the water deepened to 19,000 feet below.

All the while its color deepening also,


   to a dark navy blue, nearly black.

The air, surprisingly warm and humid.

The sunrises and sunsets far-reaching, dynamic, glorious.

The rhythmic movement of the ship soothed

   like a new mother's rocking sway.

Fears of being so far out on the open ocean

   drifted away with the white bird.

I have never felt so connected to my planet.